Member To Meet - Sydney Wolf

Our last #MemberToMeet of 2020 is here. Ahh we made, it, but not without this member. Sydney Wolf, Director of Sales at metroConnections saved our Annual Forum event, jumping in with two feet to rapid fire produce and execute our virtual conference with just over a handful of weeks to spare. Planning services, technology solutions, creative, and production are just a few of the many hats Sydney and her team wear everyday. We launched 2020 asking our members to share moments of courage and fear, without any anticipation the most trying moments were ahead. Please read Sydney’s story below as she shares how her company lost 5 million dollars in business, overnight.

Sydney Wolf photo by Ana Taylor Photography

Sydney Wolf photo by Ana Taylor Photography

How long have you been in business and please explain to our audience what you do.  I have been with metroConnections coming up on 10 years! I work as the Director of Sales where I manage a portfolio of clients, strategize and liaison with our marketing team, manage and oversee our sales team, and oversee product development and innovation at the organization. I work with my corporate and association clients to develop what was their in-person events, meetings, and live productions prior to COVID-19.  

We provide planning services (meeting and event management), meeting technology services (website development, registration management, mobile app creation), creative services (video editing, graphic design, custom shop fabrication), production services (show producing, technical direction, equipment and labor), and event branding/decor services (event design, decor rental, custom event branding, etc).  

While I'm very optimistic this will all come back in the future - now - 100% of my time is dedicated to virtual events as we have shifted our company to a fully virtual model to assist our clients in executing their virtual meetings and conferences - like the BWC Forum!

How long have you been a member of the BWC and how has this helped you with your business growth and development?  I have been a member of the BWC for just over a year. The BWC has allowed me to jump in to a group of like-minded women to share ideas, get inspiration, and most importantly find comfort in both the personal and professional challenges that come my way. My circle has allowed me to bounce ideas off them and has empowered me to make some really bold moves in my career path that have shaped where I am today! I always leave a meeting encouraged and saying to myself 'I KNEW I wasn't crazy! They've lived through it too!'

What are 1-2 goals you have for 2020?: Ah, well. Ask me this in February 2020 and my answers were much, much different. Today's goals in 2020? Survive. Give myself grace on a daily basis. Set boundaries for myself for the rest of the year where I don't let the fear of the unknown or the pressure of 'reinventing' an organization eat up all my personal time! Personally? I've lost 114 pounds in the last three years and want to hit that 130 pound mark REAL bad!

What motivates you to reach these goals, also, what holds you back?  I'm very much a self-starter like a lot of my fellow BWC'ers, so my 'need to achieve' is a very natural motivation. I want to be the best version of my self - so continuing on my path of self care couldn't be more important to me; it's the only way I succeed.

Holding me back? Well, quarantine. 2020. COVID. Shutdowns. Ah, the list goes on. I heard the phrase 'chaos breeds opportunity' the other day, however. I don't think that could be any more fitting in my life right now.

Can you describe a time you were faced with fear as it pertains to your business and how did you persevere? If you’re currently facing fear, what is causing this? :I don't know that 'fear' could be any more applicable for an individual working in the hospitality and live event industries than it has been the last 4-6 months. I never would have imagined this to be the narrative.  

Overnight, our business dropped out and nearly $5M of cancellations flooded our inboxes. The unknown of when live events are going to return and how we as an organization are going to continue to exist and evolve can, at times, be overwhelming and all-consuming.  

All we can do is the next right thing - so putting one foot in front of the other and just doing what you can do in a single day is sometimes as much as one can do.  

Never underestimate the power of a great friend who will listen to your 'vents' but speak some truth back in to you; find a tribe that will keep you accountable and who will have your back day in and day out!

Do you have any best practices to share on how to overcome fear?  I have found that naming my fears - and identifying what truly lies underneath those surface fears - is the most helpful. Why am I scared to take action? Why am I afraid to speak up? Why am I afraid to do that really scary thing? It's never just what's on the surface - there's ALWAYS more to the story, and something down deeper that I need to unpack to get to the core of the issue.

Who is a current role model for you, and why?: It may sounds cheesy - but I'm going to say the women in my BWC circle! I am certainly the 'newbie' of the group and one of the younger participants (story of my graduated-from-college-at-twenty-started-my-career-early-life-story). I admire all of the women and their ability to balance life as rockstar mamas, badass business women, and gutsy leaders!

What are 2-3 things you always take with you when you leave the house? : Laptop. Gym Clothes. LaCroix!

Favorite book, podcast or THING from 2019?: I am Disney obsessed - so the Two Fairy Godfathers podcast, released in 2019, on all things Disney is pure gold.  

In my weight loss journey, Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst, was a game changer.  
Boundaries, by Henry Cloud and John Townsend...READ IT. 

I mean - allllll the things in 2019 - can we just go back to life then? It was really, really lovely.

Best Way to Find You (i.e. IG Handle, Facebook, email)

Facebook - Sydney Wolf
IG Handle - @sydwolf
Email -

Sydney, 114 pounds? What an incredible journey. You are an inspiration personally and professionally. Thank you for lending your talents our way in 2019, and we can’t wait to see what is in store for the New Year!

Katie + The BWC Team

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