The BWC® - because we're smarter together.

The BWC® - because we're smarter together.
Jordyn DiOrio, Serial entrepreneur, strategic integrator and financial aficionado and owner of JDP Consult Co. recently wrote:
Entrepreneurship is the journey of starting, developing and growing your very own business. It comes with the ability to set your own hours/schedule, work wherever you want, follow your passion, and make a career out of what you love.
Read how Jordyn and 3 other women made (Lani Basa & Katie Kath included!) the leap to becoming an entrepreneur in her recent blog post.
Let’s face it - being an entrepreneur can be a lonely road to travel. That is one of the reasons we created The BWC.
It can also be a tough road when you are trying to do everything yourself. So finding the right partners to walk with you on the journey is key.
If the financials aren't your strength, find a company/partner you can trust who can take that work on for you so you can devote your time to growing your company.
Recently, Lani had the opportunity to work with Sarah Kesher Team Development Director of Quinn Evans on the development of The Career Navigator Model that she created for her firm.
This model takes the old “career path/ladder” thinking of development and shifts it to focus on the employee as a unique individual who not only bring their talents to the organization, but recognizes that there are many more opportunities to grow in a small business that don’t require a specific promotional path or job title change.
Explore! Try New Things! Make small changes! Change does not have to be drastic! Experience life in Beta Mode!These are the lessons our Owner & Co-Founder, Lani Basa, discusses with Julie Burton and Steph Pierce on their podcast - Her Next Chapter.
Lani shares her story of how she DARED TO walk away from a lucrative career to try something new, just as the stock market was crashing with Cat Breet of Arbez on her weekly video show.
What if there was a way to help you remove the armor you put on during the pandemic while being supported by others who “get you”? Join Lani as she talks with The Daring Venture team about how the power of peers help us grow in business, leadership and life.