The BWC® - because we're smarter together.

The BWC® - because we're smarter together.
The Business Women's Circle® provides support to members as they develop their skills in business, leadership and life. Because Circles are made up of women from diverse companies, backgrounds, industries and experiences, they provide insights from their unique perspectives that create “ah-ha” moments for those receiving them.
Under the guidance of a skilled facilitator and the assistance of peers, members grow personally and professionally through accountability, learning and support.
Comprised of 10-12 members representing diverse businesses
Professionally facilitated using our BWC® Circle Process
Meet monthly for 10 months (we don’t meet in July or December)
Three hours focused on business and personal growth
Use a customized curriculum based on each Circle's preference. We use tools such as: the Gallup Strengths Finder, the Kolbe A™ Index, Simon Sinek’s Discover Your Why, etc.
For Owners Circles: The BWC® Owners Circles are open to women business owners and individuals responsible for making primary decisions for the full operations of a qualifying business. Businesses must be active and running.
For Professional Circles: The BWC® for Professionals is open to women who are leaders in their organization. They are usually leaders of a department, a key team or an up and coming leader within the organization.
Other Circles: Besides our Owners and Professional Circles, we do have a few unique Circles that have been created for specific audiences.
Because every potential member's story is unique, we use an interview process that looks for qualities that will support not only the goals of The BWC®, but your goals too. You can learn more about becoming a member here.
Our Facilitators are key to our Circles. They are a lot like an "orchestra conductor" - knowing when to push for deeper discussion, encouraging multiple perspectives, and making sure everyone is heard - all while ensuring the group stays focused on its goals and timelines.
Facilitators are also "operations managers" - responsible for making sure that the Circle runs smoothly. They take responsibility for managing the communication for meeting times, commitments and follow ups. And through our process, Facilitators respond to member needs by bringing in the appropriate speakers, experts, or resources into the meeting.
Plus, Facilitators have been "in your shoes" - they are business owners and past executives from all walks of life with a network to use for connecting others that is constantly growing and changing.
Most importantly, they are women who are passionate about helping other women grow and succeed in business, leadership and life by creating that unique Circle experience.