Member To Meet - Andrea Schrieffer
Can you believe it’s February already? Time fly’s, but we’ve been busy too - capturing our Member To Meet candidates for the New Year. We are so excited to share our first feature with Andrea Schrieffer, a Wealth Management Advisor at Northwestern Mutual. Andrea has been a BWC member since 2018, we are thrilled to take you behind the scenes as Andrea shares with us what community means to her, how she is held accountable, what three things she leaves the house with, lessons from 2020 and more.
Andrea Schrieffer, Photo by Chelsie Lopez Production
How long have you been in business and please explain to our audience what you do. For the past 15 years, I have helped individuals, families, and business owners better align their financial resources and strategies with their values through financial planning and my role as a wealth management advisor. This allows them to focus on what they care about most and live their best lives.
How long have you been a member of the BWC and how has this helped you with your business growth and development? I have been member of the BWC since mid-2018. Since I joined, this community has challenged me to stretch myself, enlightened me with outside perspective and have been incredibly supportive in challenging times. Because of this support I have grown exponentially, personally and professionally.
What are 1-2 goals you have for 2021?: Professionally - Impact 50 new individuals, families and/or business owners by partnering with them in their financial planning journey. Personally – Complete my first half marathon. I had trained for Grandma’s half marathon a few years back but broke my foot a week before the race. Since then, I have completed many 5k races but have been hesitant to commit to another half. This is the year 😊
How will your Circle help you achieve your goals this year? Accountability, perspective, support and inspiration!
This year The BWC is focusing on community what does community mean to you how does this apply to your business: A person’s inner circle is what community means to me. This applies to my business because people fund some of their important dreams, goals, and wishes with money. This means our monetary choices are incredibly personal. When clients partner with me they are choosing to bring me into their very close inner circle. I learn what is most important to them, what their biggest challenges are and what they are most passional about. I am with them through their good (new jobs, growing their families, opening their businesses, etc.) and their most challenging times (loss of a loved one, cancer diagnosis, etc.). I do not take this lightly and it is of the most rewarding and humbling parts of my role.
Do you have any best practices to share around finding your community and the importance of this? I remember my mom telling me that who you spend time with is so important. Of course, like many other things, she was right. I choose to surround myself with people that radiate good energy. People that radiate good energy attract others that radiate good energy. This does not mean that everyone in my community has great energy in every moment or that they don’t go through challenging times. It does mean that at all times the underlying focus and drive is centered around being green and growing versus ripe and rotting.
Within your community who is a role model for you and why?: I have an incredible network so it is challenging to pick only one! My friend and mentor Katherine Schneewind has taught me to always bet on myself, to learn from my past but to keep my eyes focused on the future. She openly shared both her personal and professional struggles with me which in turn reminds me every day when I am struggling that I am not alone. I am actually in amazing company. She inspires me think big and never settle. All of these things are wonderful lessons however what was by far the most impactful is that most of these lessons I learned not only through our conversations but by watching her act on her own advice. This is a true mentor.
Just for fun what are 2-3 things you always take with you when you leave the house?: Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Organic Lip Balm and earbuds to listen to Audible!
Favorite lesson from 2020: I don’t know if this is a favorite lesson but it certainly the most transformational lesson. I always knew that I had perfectionism tendencies but with all that I experienced personally and professionally in 2020 I learned that it was much more than a tendency. This awareness has helped me put in place practices and strategies that help me release that perfectionism mentality and reroute that energy into more productive and positive places. The result is I am happier, more successful and much more impactful to others!
Best Way to Find You (i.e. IG Handle, Facebook, email)
Andrea, I’ve gotten to know you personally - and we are honored to call you one of our very own. Thank you for sharing with us today. Wishing you continued success in the New Year!
Katie + The BWC Team