Member To Meet - Liza Atkinson

It's hard to believe when we captured this photo of our next #MemberToMeet, we'd be wrapping up the year so differently than planned. Liza Atkinson, founder of Nosh & Gather has defied all odds - launching a new business, pivoting .. more than once, juggling being present with her three children distant learning at home while supporting her husband during his #WFH role too. Liza stayed true to her passion and goals, with support from her BWC circle, family and trusted peers, her new business is thriving and she continues to sell out her weekly meal offerings.

Liza Atkinson photo by Ana Taylor Photography

Liza Atkinson photo by Ana Taylor Photography

How long have you been in business and please explain to our audience what you do. : I started Nosh and Gather earlier this year right before Covid was a thing. I have repeatedly pivoted to keep it open and alive. Currently I am offering ready to heat-and-eat meals for families and couples who want an easy, weeknight, meal option. I also do occasional specialty menus. Meals can be picked up at my kitchen or delivered to your door. And I am offering unique catering services to accommodate always changing needs during this unique time for individuals and organizations throughout the Twin Cities.

How long have you been a member of the BWC and how has this helped you with your business growth and development? : I became a BWC member 4-years ago when I had a direct sales business. I started floating the idea of Nosh and Gather to my circle about 18-months ago and used their feedback to shape the business. I have always treated my circle like my board of directors. Their guidance and advice has been crucial to Nosh's success.

What were 1-2 goals you had for 2020?: Ha! They change all the time as the world keeps changing so fast. With so much uncertainty, I am looking to maybe expand in Q3 by hiring someone to help me in the kitchen. However this is all dependent on what school looks like in the fall and how I can manage my time if my kids are home distance learning part-time or full-time.

What motivates you to reach these goals, also, what holds you back?: I have a deep belief that I am serving my community and offering them a service that families really need. As Covid became a reality in March, I did have a moment where I thought this business would end as families suddenly had all the time in the world to cook dinner, why would they need me anymore? Turns out - a lot of people aren't that great at cooking or frankly just want a break and to eat something different once or twice a week. The feedback from my clients about how great my food tastes and how much their family enjoyed it is what keeps me going.

Can you describe a time you were faced with fear as it pertains to your business and how did you persevere? If you’re currently facing fear, what is causing this? : All things Covid! It has been such a roller coaster trying to menu plan when ingredient sourcing can sometimes be difficult. Also staying on top of all the constantly changing information to make sure I am staying safe and my clients are too.

Do you have any best practices to share on how to overcome fear?: I think it helps to always go back to your clients and ask them for their feedback. Sometimes when things feel uncertain as I am making decisions trying to serve my clients, their feedback is what solidifies those big decisions and let's me know I am on the right track.

Who is a current role model for you, and why?: The young people in our country who are showing up and making their voices heard in ways we haven't seen in decades. I am so inspired by their tenacity and their ability to organize and make an impact via all of their social platforms. It is so inspiring and has caused me to evaluate how I can do more to help.

What are 2-3 things you always take with you when you leave the house? : Red lipstick, a mask and my kindle. I am a voracious reader and use any downtime to put my head into a book.

Favorite book, podcast or THING from 2019?: I am a huge podcast listener - my current fav is Home Cooking with Samin Nosrat and Hrishi Hirway. They started it during quarantine and have decided to continue it. I adore them both by Samin is my current girl crush. I adore her and I am certain we could be besties.

Best Way to Find You (i.e. IG Handle, Facebook, email):
IG - @noshandgather

Liza, as your circle facilitator and close supporter - it’s an honor to be in your peer circle and alongside you in this adventurous and tasteful (pun intended) journey!

Katie + The BWC

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