Member To Meet - Amanda LeGrange

It’s hard to believe we’re in the fourth quarter of the year. As we come to a close soon, we have a few members we will be highlighting with a behind the scenes feature, sharing their story, how they overcome fear and persevere. Our next feature is with Amanda LaGrange CEO of Tech Dump. Read on to see how Amanda chooses courage over fear, as she runs one of the largest processors of electronics and data destruction in the state of MN, working each year with 100 adults facing barriers to employment.

Amanda LeGrange, photo by Ana Taylor Photography

Amanda LeGrange, photo by Ana Taylor Photography

How long have you been in business and please explain to our audience what you do. :
We were founded in 2010 with the goal of building a business model to employ adults with a history of incarceration. In 2011 we tested a two day electronics recycling collection event called a Tech Dump, and now today we are one of the largest processors of electronics and data destruction in the state of MN, working each year with 100 adults facing barriers to employment.

How long have you been a member of the BWC and how has this helped you with your business growth and development? :
I joined BWC in 2016, shortly after becoming CEO in 2015. I joined for community, as I was a brand new CEO and was living the "lonely at the top" experience many talk about. Utilizing EOS tools and having a support system to learn along with has been huge for myself as a leader and for our organization.

What are 1-2 goals you have for 2020?:
We started the year with clear growth goals. Now our goals are on keeping our team as safe as possible, meeting the record-demand for affordable technology from the community, and scaling our enterprise to meet the employment needs during these high-unemployment times.

What motivates you to reach these goals, also, what holds you back?:
My motivation is a clear need from our community for more job opportunities for adults re-entering our community after incarceration and that electronic waste as the fastest growing waste stream in the world. I believe we can build an organization to scale, while keeping our mission and people-focused culture in tact. Access to capital sometimes holds us back, as we invest in sales and marketing efforts.

Can you describe a time you were faced with fear as it pertains to your business and how did you persevere? If you’re currently facing fear, what is causing this? :
We have made a lot of large investments-- we purchased a building, built a solid executive team, rolled out a fancy (aka expensive) ERP system, and much more-- and sometimes I question if our assumptions of scale are possible. And then I remind myself that I'm not the only one seeing the potential and that we have a track record of growth, and so we keep going!

Do you have any best practices to share on how to overcome fear?:
I try to think of all of the times things *have* worked/gone our way/been successful. I also try to embrace anxiety as a superpower which invites me to scenario plan and make lots of lists, so that we're ready for what comes our way.

What are 2-3 things you always take with you when you leave the house? :
A safety vest with my name on it. My iPhone. Hope that we can all be better with each new day.

Favorite book, podcast or THING from 2019?:
Who remembers 2019?!? I will say I love my Soda Stream- it helps me live out my zero waste mission, while keeping hydrated, and enjoying lots of sparkling water!

Best Way to Find You (i.e. IG Handle, Facebook, email):
@ALaGrangeCEO on Twitter
Instagram: @TechDumpMN
Facebook: @TechDump
Twitter: @TechDumpMN

Amanda, we will certainly keep an eye for you wit your safety vest in hand. 😆 Thank you for sharing your story and we are so thankful for the work you are doing for TechDump and our community.

Katie + The BWC

Member To Meet - Liza Atkinson

Connecting in 2020