About Returning to Work

About Returning to Work

The following is from my “End of Week 50” email to BWC Members.

A year ago – we were forced into working from home to save lives. There wasn’t necessarily a template – there were companies like GitLab who only knew a virtual format, but who had time to study their methods? We figured it out quickly and have created a “crisis-version” of WFH.

Recently, people have been asking about “how to return to work.” In my conversations, one of the things that I realized is that some people are looking for a “template” to follow.

Reality: There is no template.

And if you are thinking of “going back to the way it was” – think again. First – there are many new challenges we have to consider – as this Fast Company article points out. Some schools have said they still might be hybrid this fall. Situations at home may have changed for some of your team that may not make it easy to come back. Plus, we don’t know if there will be “requirements” for social distancing, etc. to continue. 

And let’s face it – some of us like the idea of the hybrid workplace because it brings about a different work-life integration. One that has made us better humans.

So, while there is no template, there are a few things you can think about and do.


  1. Take time to reimagine work – for your company and for yourself. Great article from Nancy Lyons.

  2. Consider timing. The State of MN just released their who’s getting vaccinated – when thoughts. And – sign up for the MN COVID-19 Vaccine Connector.

  3. Consider that it may be a good time for growth - 6 Reasons Why 2021 Could Be a Great Time to Grow Your Business


You may or may not have a tough decision to make. Either way – take time to be thoughtful and intentional about what work looks like as more are vaccinated. Create your own template.

  1. How to Decide if Your Company Should Stay Remote, Return to the Office, or Somewhere in Between

  2. A CEO’s Guide to Planning a Return to the Office

  3. How to Reopen Your Office Safely, According to a Hollywood Covid Compliance Officer


Whether you all come back, all stay virtual or somewhere in between – leadership has to build the “right culture.”

  1. If You're Too Scared to Do These 5 Things, Your Leadership May Be on Life Support

  2. Making the Hybrid Workplace Fair

  3. The Most Pressing People Questions Facing Companies Today and 9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2021 and Beyond


Taking time to think about what you really want out of life, business and leadership is a cornerstone of our BWC toolset. It’s what you build your goals on. Figure out what “return to work” looks like for you, then plan for it.

  1. How to Plan Your Life When the Future Is Foggy at Best

  2. Self-care = Boundaries – really. Also, How to Establish Healthy Boundaries at Work

  3. Five Mental Barricades That Could Be Limiting Your Potential In Business And Life

I am sure we will be continuing the conversation and will have more to share as we move into March and beyond. Oh, and GitLab’s template? You can take a Coursera course on it.

Member To Meet - Katrina DeWit

Member To Meet - Katrina DeWit

Member To Meet - Andrea Schrieffer

Member To Meet - Andrea Schrieffer