Connecting in 2020


Social science researchers define loneliness as the emotional state created when people have fewer social contacts and meaningful relationships than they would like. If you were at the Forum in 2019, you heard me bring up the statistics around loneliness and the impact physically and culturally. It has been called a growing epidemic.

And with the pandemic – I am sure none of those numbers are getting lower.

But here is the thing about combatting loneliness, it isn’t about the number of friends or social contacts you have – rather about the quality of those relationships. It’s about relationships that make you feel known and understood. And about making quality connections – no matter how small.

Making connections can be done in small steps – which are better than nothing.

  • Like making eye contact – yes – you can still build rapport even with a mask on.

  • Smiling at a stranger – with a mask, focus on “smizing”.

  • If you have an opportunity to – talk to a stranger – you’ll feel better after 30 seconds.

  • Pick up the phone and call someone you are thinking of.

  • Even taking a moment to write a hand written note helps.

  • Set a goal to meet one new person a week

And while physical face time is great – aim for a video call if you can’t do it live. I know – Zoom fatigue – but it’s better than nothing and helps keep the relationship bonds strong. 

So reach out and connect – we promise you’ll feel better!

What are you doing to connect? Share your ideas below!

Member To Meet - Amanda LeGrange

Member To Meet - Samantha Grose