Member To Meet - Katrina DeWit

Member To Meet - Katrina DeWit

Spring is just around the corner, and we’re thrilled to head into a new season with another Member to Meet feature. Meet Katrina DeWit, a Real Estate Advisor at Engel & Volkers Minneapolis. Katrina has been a member for the BWC for two years, we’re excited to take you behind the scenes and share how Katrina started with answering phones and worked her way to owning her own small business and closing out her BUSIEST season yet.

Katrina DeWit Photo by Chelsie Lopez Production

Katrina DeWit Photo by Chelsie Lopez Production

How long have you been in business and please explain to our audience what you do.  I've been in the real estate industry since 2012 working my way up from answering phones at a local firm to starting my own business under the brand of Engel & Völkers in early 2016. Being a Real Estate Advisor holds many of the same services as your local Realtor provides but in a more extensive and elevated capacity. Regardless of what goals my clients set, I believe that each of my clients deserve the same white-glove level of service. Whether meeting for the first time to both educate about the process and learn about their goals, to ensuring showings and contractual obligations go smoothly, to celebrating their closing day, each step of the process is handled with care. Even after my clients move in and my contractual obligations are fulfilled, I'm happily available to answer any questions or provided any resources they need as they get settled. Whether my clients are moving out or moving in, I want to ensure that they aren't lost in the process and have a smooth experience from start to finish.

How long have you been a member of the BWC and how has this helped you with your business growth and development? I've been a member of BWC for two years now, and without the powerful ladies in my Circle I don't know how I would have mentally survived 2020 both as a business owner and a human. The support, creativity, and vision my Circle has not only for themselves but for each other continues to take my breath away. The ladies in my group have been insightful sounding boards as I make business decisions, resourceful when I need new community partners, and true friends whenever things start to feel overwhelming.

What are 1-2 goals you have for 2021?: This year my focus is on delegating and efficiency. My goals are to bring on an assistant and improve my systems so they are both working better for me and providing a better experience for my clients.

How will your Circle help you achieve your goals this year? My Circle has so many connections and resources. From helping me navigate the details of hiring to providing ideas/connections for local business partnerships, just to name a few ways, I can count on them to both push me to visualize what my business is capable of and provide trusted resources to get there.

This year The BWC is focusing on community what does community mean to you how does this apply to your business: My business is built on community in many senses. As a majority of my clients come from repeat clients and referral introductions, building a sense of community within my business is what brings many of my clients back to work with me again or recommend me to their friends and family. Fostering a sense of shared passion around inclusion, integrity, education, and unique experiences, is what defines community for me.

Do you have any best practices to share around finding your community and the importance of this?  As I built my business, I also focused on building that sense of community by providing outstanding service to my clients. You can’t choose every client, but I’ve been lucky that almost every single person I’ve worked with has been an amazing human. The reason I focus on hosting unique client appreciation events is to continue to foster this sense of community with those past clients as well as be introduced to their friends and family whose values most likely also align with mine since we have shared connections already. It really amplifies the experience that much more if the client already understands the core values and vibe rather than having to overly explain how I provide value, or worse struggle with friction throughout the relationship.

Within your community who is a role model for you and why?: There’s another Advisor in my shop who self describes as a ‘hot mess’ however she’s one of the most authentic and genuine people I’ve met in the industry. She’s also not one to back down from a conflict when professionally and respectfully standing up for her client, which I think is invaluable in the extremes of our passive aggressive midwestern or overly aggressive sales cultures. I really value watching how she interacts with her clients, how hard she works for them, and appreciate the time she takes to share her experiences when I run into unique situations.

Just for fun what are 2-3 things you always take with you when you leave the house?: Sunglasses, as many beverages (water, coffee, fizzy water) as I can carry, and a new podcast loaded on my phone.

Favorite lesson from 2020: Pause and take a walk or deep breath.

Best Way to Find You (i.e. IG Handle, Facebook, email)

Instagram: @katrinadewit

Katrina, thank you for being open to sharing. We love reading about your best practices and reaching for ongoing community - investing in your past clients and continued commitment to client appreciation. Very smart advice, I know many reading will take note!

Katie + The BWC Team

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