Member To Meet - Renee Powers

We’re back with our latest Member To Meet introduction. Throughout the year we are taking you behind the scenes of our featured members, sharing their story, how they overcome fear and persevere. We hope each and every one of these stories will inspire you to take the leap, follow your dream and do the thing that makes you feel uncomfortably passionate.

Renee Powers, photo by Ana Taylor Photography

Renee Powers, photo by Ana Taylor Photography

Renee Powers | Feminist Book Club

How long have you been in business and please explain to our audience what you do.  I founded Feminist Book Club in 2018 after listeners of my podcast suggested I start a book club. What started as just a handful of my friends reading a book and discussing it on Facebook grew to become this monthly subscription box and thriving community. Each month, I ship 200+ boxes with the book of the month and unique products from woman-owned businesses to members around the world, as far away as New Zealand. Then we meet on video chat to discuss the book. 5% of all sales is donated to a different feminist organization each month.

How long have you been a member of the BWC and how has this helped you with your business growth and development?  I'm a brand new member! At the time of writing, I've just attended my first circle meeting and am incredibly inspired. The other women in my circle are powerhouses and I know that I'm on the right path to learn and grow just being in their presence.

What are 1-2 goals you have for 2020? I would like to grow Feminist Book Club to at least 500 members with local chapters in at least 3 different cities.

What motivates you to reach these goals, also, what holds you back? Women are craving connection and meaningful interactions now more than ever. I've seen how much a space to discuss feminist literature means to our members and I want to create that space for as many women and non-binary folks as possible. At the moment, I am a company of one and that holds me back a bit. I would love to get in front of more people at more events without burning out, so I have to be really selective on what I take on, professionally and personally.

Can you describe a time you were faced with fear as it pertains to your business and how did you persevere? If you’re currently facing fear, what is causing this?  When you're first starting something, there's always the nagging thought in the back of your mind: "Is this really going to work? And what happens if it doesn't?" Even though I've been doing this for almost two years, I'm still afraid that the money I've invested in this business won't pay off.

Do you have any best practices to share on how to overcome fear? Naming your fear loosens its grip on you. And I mean actually NAMING it. My fear is named Betty. She likes to sit in my stomach and tell me I've been making all the wrong decisions and everything's going to crumble to pieces. So I tell her, "Betty, I know you're just scared, but we've overcome bigger challenges before and we can do it again."
That probably makes me sound a little bonkers, but it works for me!

Who is a current role model for you, and why? Katrina Lake is the founder and CEO of StitchFix and my #1 inspiration. She's a young woman who built her company in her apartment starting with a simple Google Form and PayPal. She now leads with humility, striving to surround herself with people who know more than she does, and recognizes that the more diverse her staff is, the stronger a company is.

What are 2-3 things you always take with you when you leave the house? Chapstick, a water bottle, and extra socks

Favorite book, podcast or THING from 2019? Know My Name by Chanel Miller is one of the best books I've ever read. She was the Emily Doe from the Stanford rape trial and has now stepped into the spotlight as a warrior for survivors. We selected this memoir as one of our 2019 books and I still think about the conversation our members had about it.

How can we stay in touch with you?

Instagram: @feministbookclubbox


Renee, thank you for taking us inside your journey. We’re thrilled to meet Betty, and are eager to see what happens to her later this year. We’re rooting for you and your goal of reaching 500 new members to 2020!

The BWC Team

Don't Wait for Small Business Saturday

Member To Meet - Amanda Tukey