Member To Meet - Amanda Tukey

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new series, Member To Meet. Throughout the year we are taking you behind the scenes of our featured members, sharing their story, how they overcome fear and persevere. We hope each and every one of these stories will inspire you to take the leap, follow your dream and do the thing that makes you feel uncomfortably passionate.

Amanda Tukey, photo by Ana Taylor Photography

Amanda Tukey, photo by Ana Taylor Photography

AMANDA TUKEY | Keylin Advisors

How long have you been in business and please explain to our audience what you do?  9 years (almost 10) - though our company has been around for many, many years and was originally started by my grandfather (who just turned 90)!

Keylin Advisors is an accounting & tax firm here in the Twin Cities. We help small businesses, entrepreneurs, individuals and dreamers with all things accounting & tax related. We're big on education so we also really love to teach people what the numbers mean, how it all fits together and how the numbers really form this big picture that can tell you A LOT about the financial health of your company or your own individual financial health.

How long have you been a member of the BWC and how has this helped you with your business growth and development?  I've been a member of the BWC for a little over a year. The BWC has been a huge part in my business growth and development. Through the people I have met and during the monthly meetings I have attended, I have gained confidence in my ability to run a company. The monthly meetings help me stay focused on my goals and give me the opportunity to focus all of my attention (even if only for the short hours during the meeting) on my business and where it is headed. The BWC also provides this great sounding board of experienced entrepreneurs who are supportive, knoweldgeable and helpful - a necessity when you're feeling the isolation of entrepreneurship!

What are 1-2 goals you have for 2020? I have recently expanded my team and we are experiencing a lot of really exciting growth - that being said, I really want to focus my attention on our internal processes. How we get the work done and how we communicate to clients and making sure the quality of our work remains constant across all team members.

Another big goal I have for 2020 is to create a webinar course for soon-to-be or new entrepreneurs. I'm talking all things dreamers or new entrepreneurs should know about taxes, accounting, deductions, retirement, compliance, etc.

What motivates you to reach these goals, also, what holds you back? I'm really energized about creating a "new type of accounting firm" - where the focus is on the experience rather than just the data entry tasks of bookkeeping and taxes. It is really motivating to me to hear feedback from clients - that they're happy they're working with us and that they've really learned a lot working with our firm.

What's holding me back? Fear. Criticism. Time (or lack thereof).

Can you describe a time you were faced with fear as it pertains to your business and how did you persevere? If you’re currently facing fear, what is causing this? Adding team members was definitely fear-inducing. Delegating tasks to others so we could keep growing our company caused a lot of fear, initially. Knowing that we couldn't expand to help more people unless we started delegating more was what help me persevere. It get's easier every day.

Do you have any best practices to share on how to overcome fear? I like Mel Robbins' 5 Second Rule. If I'm feeling fearful or hesitating about something I'll use the 5 second rule (count backwards 5-4-3-2-1 then go, move forward, do it). It has helped in keeping the excuses or second-thoughts at bay. The fear doesn't go away at that instant, but taking the first step (however small) helps you to get closer to overcoming the fear that is holding you back today. Always be moving forward.

Who is a current role model for you, and why? My dad (who also happens to be my better-half-co-owner). He has such a calm energy about him that is admirable. And his ability to build a successful business from the ground up (this is his 3rd) is really very inspiring.

What are 2-3 things you always take with you when you leave the house? My cell phone & Chapstick

Favorite book, podcast or THING from 2019?  Favorite podcast: I thought "Missing Richard Simmons" was extremely fascinating. I loved Crime Junkies podcast too.

Anything else you’d like to share? I love BWC and am honored to have been chosen for this feature.

How can we continue to stay in touch with you?

Instagram: @keylinadvisors | Linkedin: Keylin Advisors or Amanda Tukey | Email:

Thank you Amanda. We look forward to checking in soon to see how your webinar launch goal for 2020 is coming along. We’re inspired!

The BWC Team

Member To Meet - Renee Powers

Looking Back at 2019