The BWC® - because we're smarter together.

The BWC® - because we're smarter together.
from Myrna Marofsky
Running a successful business (ProGroup) for 22 years was hard work but I had a partner (Karen Stinson) by my side who was there when I needed to think out-loud about a challenging situation or decision. She had my back and I had hers - we weren’t alone. During that time I joined the Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO), a national organization of successful women business owners, I found that my confidence as a business leader increased. I watched a group of sophisticated entrepreneurs discuss their business issues surrounded by those who cared, personally and professionally. It was fascinating to learn that “business is business” no matter what the industry, and amazing to see how women struggle, yet manage to have a life and a business.
We sold ProGroup in 2007 and I established Red Book, LLC to coach women business owners as they grow their business. I also took the position of Chapter Chair for three chapters of WPO. That’s when I realized how big a hurdle it is for women owned businesses to hit that $1 million revenue marker, despite the fact that they were working their tails off.
As I worked with my clients, I’d often hear, “I don’t qualify for WPO; is there any group I can join to get that kind of support?” As I looked around to find them an answer, I found many women making big business decisions alone. I created The Business Women’s Circle® to provide these women the “PEERpower” that I found essential to my own success.
Lucky for me I had Lani Basa, my dear colleague and good friend, by my side to build The BWC.
In 2015, the legacy continued by turning over the reins of The BWC to Lani. She is now the owner and CEO and I couldn't be happier. The BWC now supports many women business owners as they grow personally and professionally. I have watched Lani expand to Executive Peer Circles, build a magnificent team of facilitators, and deliver an incredible annual learning event called the Forum.
As the Founder of this, I sit back and couldn't be more proud. The best thing is that with the momentum The BWC has created, I know there are great things to come. That's a real legacy.