Member To Meet - Rachel Michael
Welcome to the New Year, and our Member to Meet campaign. Sharing both new and familiar faces this season, with Rachel Michael kicking it off this month. Rachel is the Founder of Rachel Michal Styling and we’re sharing a few fun facts below.
Rachel Michael, Founder of Rachel Michael Styling
A Business Win, Success or Recent Highlight:
I consider it a business win that I'm still here! Starting a brand new business 2 months before a global pandemic is hard. Starting one that involved clothes when no one was going anywhere or doing anything seemed impossible. The fact that I didn't give up on my dream, but instead persevered and made it through is and always will be my greatest business success.
Where You Lead:
We all lead in some aspect everywhere we go. For me, that might mean being open, welcoming and compassionate in my interactions at a networking event to lead by example of how I want to be treated or modeling the marriage I want to have by thinking of something nice I can do for my husband after he's had a hard day at work.
Loves of Your Life:
My husband
My two dogs
Books - sci-fi, self-help, non-fiction, classics...I'll take them all!
Pilates because I love being strong
Clothing that has shine, sparkle, or sequins. Literal shiny object syndrome! 😆
Best Way to Find You: @rachelmichaelstyling
The BWC Team