Member To Meet - Mary Kay Ziniewicz
It’s hard to believe the year is almost half over. With record speed, our members are off and running and we’re thrilled to share our latest Member to Meet, Mary Kay Ziniewicz, founder of Bus Stop Mamas. With just a few short years since the launch of her website, Mary Kay is ready to take off in 2021. Read more below on her journey to launch and how Mary Kay values community.
Mary Kay Ziniewicz
How long have you been in business and please explain to our audience what you do. In January 2019 the Bus Stop Mamas website went live.The site was built by my daughter who was 12 at the time. We look at 2019 as our pilot year. We consider 2020 as our launch year, and 2021 as our take off year:)
Bus Stop Mamas (BSM) is a workforce platform that immediately introduces businesses seeking experienced help to people seeking flexible work--mostly parents, but everyone is welcome. It's free for people to join the network and businesses post jobs on the platform for free too. We make money by charging the business a small flat fee after they hire a candidate that we introduce to them.
How long have you been a member of the BWC and how has this helped you with your business growth and development? I've been a member of BWC since mid-2020. In addition to immediate new business from a few BWC members, working with Lani and my cohort provides me with clarity and accountability.
What are 1-2 goals you have for 2021?:
Grow the parent network to 7000 through strategic partnerships with female focused organizations.
Grow job placements to 20 a month through leveraging what we've learned to be the best job mix, alongside companies that we can scale with.
How will your Circle help you achieve your goals this year? Focus and clarity.
This year The BWC is focusing on community what does community mean to you how does this apply to your business: Bus Stop Mamas is reimaging workforce equity by challenging perceptions of mom and motherhood while helping mom connect with work options that work for her--whoever she is, where ever she is, whatever she wants. We put mom in the driver's seat. We're business-minded mamas and we believe in full return on investment--return on our education, return having children, and continual return for the community. Triple bottom line! Everyone wins.
Do you have any best practices to share around finding your community and the importance of this? I grow when I am with people who experience life differently than me. My community is ever evolving, and I intentionally surround myself with people who challenge my perceptions. I have spoken with a lot of moms, and I know, there is not a one-size-fits-all mom, but there is one common thread binds us all--we all want the very best for our children. While being with like minded individuals is comforting, it is important for me to build a community of people who think differently than me. Too much sugar is never good:)!
Within your community who is a role model for you and why?: My mom, passed away in 2019 and she continues to be my role model and inspiration. My mom loved that I created Bus Stop Mamas. My mom was a strong woman who found herself in a physically abusive relationship. My mom endured physical abuse for eleven years. With three children and no income of her own, she felt trapped. My mom is a driving force in my life always. So is my daughter.
Just for fun what are 2-3 things you always take with you when you leave the house?: I never leave home without my phone, tissues and lip balm. It seems these three items solve any issues that may come my way.
Favorite lesson from 2020: Being humbled by knowing I know nothing. It is freeing for me to remember this always. Amen!
Anything else you would like to share?: Last year demonstrated that mothers are the glue that holds everything together--and, thanks to C19, we've got data to prove it! Go mamas!
Best Way to Find You:
Instagram: @busstopmamas
I can already think of several small businesses that need this service, what a terrific opportunity and love the connections that will be made! Thank you Mary Kay for sharing additional information about your business, and we wish you all the success in 2021!
Katie + The BWC Team