Member To Meet - Keri Bischoff
We’re beyond thankful this week, sharing gratitude for our circle members - in particular, Keri Bischoff with Keri Bischoff Coaching, LLC. Keri began her business in 2015, also when she joined the BWC as a Gallup-Certified CliftonStrengths™consultant. A long-time supporter of our organization, we consider ourselves the lucky ones to know Keri and are thrilled to share more with you today.
Keri Bischoff, image by Chelsie Lopez Production
How long have you been in business and please explain to our audience what you do? I started my own business, Keri Bischoff Coaching LLC, in 2015. As a Gallup-Certified CliftonStrengths™consultant, I help individuals and teams discover where they can be their best and how to work better together through the positive language of strengths. My expertise and understanding of strengths allow leadership, engagement, and productivity within the organization to increase exponentially. My why is to empower others to gain clarity into their unique strengths so they can confidently communicate their value to the world to achieve their best life.
How long have you been a member of the BWC and how has this helped you with your business growth and development? I became a member of BWC in 2015, the same year I started my business, which was perfect since I had no idea what I was doing! Being a member of BWC has offered the support and encouragement to create a business model that fits with my ideal lifestyle. As a solopreneur, I need new ideas, insights, and connections to help my company grow - and keep me accountable along the way. Our monthly circle meetings offer the opportunity to learn and connect with smart, brave, and caring women. Most importantly, it's the reason why my business had grown exponentially every year.
What are 1-2 goals you have for 2021?:
After surviving 2020, I've learned to have goals that are more adaptable and not to be afraid of change. Since 2021 is still so uncertain, I'm hoping to accept and allow more room for the spaces and surprises these changes create.
How will your Circle help you achieve your goals this year? My BWC circle keeps me on track so I achieve my quarterly and yearly goals; offers accountability with our monthly check-ins; provides a sounding board for identifying and solving problems.
This year The BWC is focusing on community what does community mean to you how does this apply to your business: This year, more than any other year, community has been the reason we survived 2020. We realized as business owners how important our community is during difficult times. When we surround ourselves with a community built on trust and loyalty, then wholeheartedly invest in those relationships, they will rise up when we need them the most. They will stand by us, offering support and encouragement. Genuine, authentic relationships are key in every area of life.
Do you have any best practices to share around finding your community and the importance of this? Surround yourself with people who have your back; trusted advocates who support you. People show you who they are; believe them the first time. Take the time to discover what is important to you, your values, then fill your life with people who share those values and dreams. Finding the right fit is sometimes easier when you know what the wrong fit feels like, so don't be afraid to let go of the people who hold you back. This process helps you discover your unique community where you will thrive and become more confident.
Just for fun what are 2-3 things you always take with you when you leave the house?: Sunglasses, phone, and now a face mask!
Favorite lesson from 2020: Resilence.
The importance of building and maintaining genuine relationships in your life.
Not being afraid of change.
Leaving room for the unexpected.
And knowing I can have my most successful year yet working exclusively from my home office while barefoot and in yoga pants!
Anything else you would like to share?: Without the support and encouragement from Lani over the years, I would not be where I am today. She is kind, compassionate, smart, resourceful, and always makes time to be available when you need her the most. She is the reason behind the success of BWC. I am grateful to have her in my circle!
Best Way to Find You:
IG: @KeriBischoffConsulting
Twitter: @KeriBischoff
LinkedIn: Keri Bischoff
Keri, you’ve shared some great insight and wisdom we can all take with us as we prepare for a new year, and new goals! We second your comments regarding Lani, she truly makes this organization thrive and her commitment to small business success is unforgettable during the challenging times we’ve all faced.
Katie + The BWC Team