🎶  Wonderful Time of the Year! 🎵  Is the usual way we end that phrase in December.  For busy women though - it tends to be more “It’s the MOST!” (insert eye roll emoji, big sigh, or head in hands…)  Often times, we are trying to get it

🎶 Wonderful Time of the Year! 🎵

Is the usual way we end that phrase in December. For busy women though - it tends to be more “It’s the MOST!” (insert eye roll emoji, big sigh, or head in hands…)

Often times, we are trying to get it all done before the holidays - be that:

  • house decorated

  • analysis of this year’s data for next year’s decisions

  • all the gifts bought and wrapped

  • strategic plan completed and goals set for the coming year

  • holiday dinner menus finalized

  • budgets put to bed

  • and the list goes on…

Also, it has been quite the year and we're all tired. How many times have you said “If I can make it until the holidays…” to yourself?

Well, I’m going to propose that you really do make this month “THE MOST” - the MOST productive month, the MOST enjoyable month, the MOST “way to end the year!” month.

Here are my recommendations on how to do that.

Triage Prioritization

triage: the assigning of priority order to projects on the basis of where funds and other resources can be best used, are most needed, or are most likely to achieve success


I use the word “triage” because you need to make sure you are using your resources (energy, brain power, time) where they can best be used and are most needed this time of year.

This is all about going through your list of To Dos and being a bit ruthless. You have to ask:

What absolutely, positively has to get done?

Obvious things like deadlines to clients, event driven dates, etc. stay on the list. However, self-imposed deadlines should come off. Examples:

  • Finalizing goals before the holidays.
    Unless you have to hand them off to someone else - can these be finalized on January 3rd?

  • Documenting those 10 processes you had on your list this year.
    If you haven’t done them yet - will it make a difference the last few weeks of the year? Schedule to complete one a week in the new year. Or if you can, delegate the work.

  • Repaint the walls in your house.
    People are coming to see you - not your house. Could a little elbow grease with Magic Eraser do the trick?

Use your time, energy and brain power on what will give you your best return on your investment.

Time Limits

Speaking of time…limiting the amount of time you have to do something is another key element here.

Estimate Your Time Wisely

We have a tendency to underestimate how long it will take us to complete a project or a day to day task. Use these tips from our LinkedIn post to best estimate your time.

Limit Your Time

Have you heard of Parkinson’s Law? Parkinson's Law is the old adage that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion. So if you allow 3 hours to get a project done that you got done last month in 1.5 hours - it will take you 3 hours.

Use the technique of time-blocking or sprints to do your work. I have often encouraged others to use the Pomodoro Technique and they are always surprised by what they can get done. Plus - timers can be fun!

Take Breaks

Counter-intuitive I know, but important to do. Your brain actually gets tired, plus - all that sitting isn’t good for you either. As the article Why You Hate Work points out - you can actually be more productive by taking those breaks versus pushing through the work.

And here are a few tips on how to make that break time for yourself.

Carpe Impraesentiarum

According to Latin Lexicon impraesentiarum means at present, for the present, under present circumstances, now.

And this time of year, more than ever, it is important to seize those moments and be fully present. There are many lists of how to be more present - but keep it simple.

  • Put down the phone, the work, etc.

  • Turn off the distraction and turn towards the person, the moment.

  • Take a deep breath

  • Enjoy

Wishing you many opportunities to carpe impraesentiarum and make this December a MOST month!

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