Why You Should Quiet Quit

Why You Should Quiet Quit

Have you been hearing about the latest workplace trends?

All this to say - no one is quite happy with the state of things - and still trying to figure it out.

So back to Quiet Quitting. While it sounds like you have people sitting around doing nothing - it is actually all about NOT doing anything beyond the job description. So no more happy hours, no organizing potlucks, etc.  As noted from this article

"One TikToker said it’s all about not “subscribing to the hustle-culture mentality that work has to be your life.” But another user questioned the phrasing of quiet quitting, asking “Isn't that just called 'working'? Like, doing your job properly with a healthy boundary?” *Gasp.*"

It is all about setting boundaries at work. And that applies whether you work for someone or work for yourself. 

As you look at the rest of the year and plan for what you want to accomplish by December 31st, build in a look at your boundaries. 

  1. Do a Boundaries Audit

  2. Partner up with another BWC Member and identify what's negotiable and non-negotiable and brainstorm ways to set limits and communicate them.

  3. Grab an accountability partner from The BWC Membership. Having an an accountability partner to keep you on track with your boundaries and bounce ideas off of is a powerful way to create long lasting habits with boundaries.

  4. Ask for help from your family and loved ones in working to keep boundaries in place.

  5. Ask for help in your Circle - get ideas, solve a specific boundary issue or ask to have it a Learning Opportunity.

It's the perfect time of year to set and work on some boundaries. We are in that transition to fall where we have new rhythms, schedules, etc. to follow. So add some boundaries in and perhaps improve not only your personal life but your work life too!

PS - for more on Quiet Quitting - check out Good Company Consulting's post!

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