

It seems as if recent events have those feelings of fear, uncertainty and even anger creeping back in. Someone recently asked me “How are you doing with the world burning down around us?”

I get it.

The interesting thing is, while I may sometimes feel those feelings, I am always brought back to having faith in the human race after a Circle meeting. Why? Because the power of the women in those Circles is amazing. And I believe as a collective whole – we - will change things.

I recently read an article by Brooke Baldwin on her book Huddle: How Women Unlock Their Collective Power where she talks about female “huddling” which she defines as “leaning on one another to provide support, empowerment, inspiration, and the strength to solve problems or enact meaningful change.” She also says it is a mindset. 

She said there are 10 ways to find your huddle.

  1. Believe in yourself

  2. Make an intentional choice to be a huddler

  3. Find a huddle that shares your passions

  4. Nurture your female friendships

  5. Do hard things with your huddle

  6. F*ck sharp elbows

  7. Be vulnerable

  8. Amplify each other

  9. Huddle with people who are different from you

  10. Show the eff up

Hmmmmm – this sounds like a BWC Circle and what it means to be a member. Am I right? 

So, if the world feels like it is burning down around you – remember – there is a Circle of women who have your back. Lean into that.

Member To Meet - Angela Knox

Member To Meet - Angela Knox

Member To Meet - Anne Andrus

Member To Meet - Anne Andrus