Where's Your Cohort?

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The importance of cohorts
by Seth Godin

The people who get you.

The ones who have been through it with you.

Who see you.

Our life is a series of cohorts, and the special ones connect with us deeply. They raise the bar and they provide a foundation for what’s next.

These are the source of our best memories, the moments where we moved forward and felt the chance to make a difference. I won’t forget the Fast Company Advance in 1997 that changed my life. The late August dinner in 1979 with a dozen peers. The circle of people we reach out to and seek to engage with… These are circles worth being part of.

Two weeks ago, we had our first ever altMBA coaches gathering. Of the 84 coaches we invited, more than 75 came. Five came from all the way from Australia…

Every one of them is an alumni of the altMBA. Every one of them has been through the workshop–and even if they weren’t part of the same sessions, they immediately saw each other, and they understood what they’d been part of. They see the work to be done and the chance to help others level up. They show up with their whole selves simply to turn on lights for others.

You can find your cohort. You can organize one, join one, do it with intention.

We each need to see and to be seen.

(We couldn’t agree more!)

Link to original Seth Godin blog post.

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