Yes - there is such a thing!
The Harvard Business Review has a new series called "The Big Idea". Their latest takes a look at Generosity Burnout - "[where someone is] selfless to the point of burnout, which undermines their ability to give and the satisfaction that comes from it." In other words - your good intentions end up burning you out.
The first article by Adam Grant and Reb Rebele lays out a "Generosity Spectrum", describes the 6 profiles of giving, the 7 Habits of Highly Productive Giving, and the though process of How, When, and Whom to Help. They also talk about the gender gap in giving - yes, men are more likely to be takers and women the selfless givers.
Additionally - the series of articles and tools include an assessment, interviews of executives who have learned how to help, and a webinar that looks at the relationship between generosity and collaboration.
In today's environment, everyone is being called on to give more - at work, in your business, and in your community. Especially with the divisiveness that we are seeing in the country - I know that many are feeling the need to find ways to take a stand, volunteer, etc.
The secret is to find a way to do it without putting your own goals at risk or adding more stress and fatigue to an already busy life. As the article says: "Generosity means caring about others, but not at the expense of caring for yourself. By protecting yourself from exhaustion, you may feel less altruistic. Yet you will actually end up giving more."
Take the Assessment
Read the Article: Beat Generosity Burnout
Watch the Webinar: Managing Collaborative Overload