Improve your Time Management in the New Year at this Jan 19th NAWBO Workshop!

Do You Know Where Your Time Goes? 

Do you find yourself at the end of your day asking where your time went? Do you feel like you don’t have a minute to yourself? Do you even know where your time goes? Let's face it, women business owners and professionals are busy.

Join NAWBO-MN and Lani Basa, Owner and CEO of the BWC, and spend some of your time figuring out where your time is going and how to take control of it. We’ll look at what you are doing today, what you want to be doing and some ways to get your time under control.

It is an event that is sure to be worth every minute!

Date: Thursday, January 19th, 2017 Includes lunch!
Location: Schmidt Artist Lofts, 900 7th St W, St. Paul, MN 55102
Time: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Investment: $15 NAWBO | $40 Non-Members



Pursestrings Podcast: "Peer Mentoring with Lani Basa"

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