BWC Toolset - Plan


Plan your year to ensure what you envision can be achieved by year end. The Planning Tool helps you define your goals for the year and draft your “map” for how you are going to get there.

The key – get clear on where you are going for the year and what you are going to focus on. Furthermore - writing down and sharing your goals help you achieve them. Check out these statistics:

  • Writing down your goals means you are 42% more likely to achieve them - why we have you do this work and write it down on your Circle Spreadsheet.

  • Sharing your plan increases your chances of accomplishing your goals by 62%

  • Build in accountability. Sharing your plan and progress regularly with someone increases the likelihood that you will accomplish that plan by 76% (an ASTD study says up to 95%3). This is why we talk about them in Circle Meetings.

About the Tool:

  • Page 1 will help you think through your goals

  • Pages 2 and 3 will help you look at how you will break them down into manageable steps. You can draft out 3 months, 6, or all 12 – your choice. The goal is to break it down into smaller monthly steps so you can shift and react as quickly as you need to.

Required For: Goal portion is required for All Members

Timing: Plan annually, review and adjust quarterly, monthly or as needed.

Planning Tool - Goals & Priorities Map

Planning Tool - Goals & Priorities Map

Planning Tool with Examples for All

Planning Tool with Examples for All

Supporting Tools